Saturday, March 21, 2015

unit circle study aid

Lately I've been learning to use Adobe Flash Pro.  Since flash .swf files work well in the Promethean software ActivInspire, I've devoted a lot of my spare time this semester to learning how to create animation and interactive tools using Flash.  I keep reading that Flash is an outdated tool, but it's a tool I have access to and can implement into my classroom.  Above is a link to an interactive tool I created to give students a review of the unit circle.  I usually teach the unit circle as two different circles, pi/4 and pi/6.  I just find it easier to remember the symmetries that way.  The Flash file allows students to review both the angles on the circle and the various values of the six trig functions.  By hovering over each angle they can display the angle measurement in radians and by clicking on the angle they can see the values of the functions.